If you’re like most people, you’re probably working at a location-dependent job. If this is the case, you’re likely in a weekly rinse and repeat work cycle. Most people will understand this feeling to a degree because they’re either living it right now or have experienced it. So when exactly will you have the freedom to travel? Sorry to break it to you but there is no “right time” to travel. Before we begin this article, I’d like to share one of my favorite inspirational quotes.
“There’s never a right time to travel in our lives. When we’re young, we have the energy and time, but not the means. When we are middle-aged, we have the means and the energy, but not the time. When we are old, we have the time and the means, but not the energy.”
This quote puts life in perspective and helps you realize that no matter when we decide to travel in our lives, there’s always going to be some kind of sacrifice. If you’re young, you’d have to be willing to take financial risks. If you’re middle-aged with a family, you’d have to risk your job security. Lastly, when you’re old you run the risk of your physical well-being. There isn’t a “right time” to travel. However, your Recreational Vehicle (RV) might be a possible solution to this dilemma.
When it comes to packing up your life and hitting the open road in your RV, there are a few reasons why it isn’t for everyone. In fact, the RV life was only known and seen for those who were retired. Nowadays, people of all ages can become full-time RV go-getters. This is only made possible by the ever-growing demand of the internet. This new job demand helped create new jobs that weren’t available back then but are now. They enabled people of all working ages to self-sustain themselves on their RV traveling adventures. The once known “RV dream” to retirees is now possible for those willing to accept this lifestyle.
A study was conducted by the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA) to determine the typical age of RV owners in the US. The study concluded that the age bracket fell between the ages of thirty-five (35) and fifty-four (54). In other words, we’re looking at a new era of traveling and living. So how do we make a living when traveling? Well, one of the best methods of funding your traveling expenses is free-lance jobs. The best part about these free-lance jobs is that it only requires internet access. Nowadays you can easily equip and install an internet source to your rig.
One of the most versatile types of jobs out there that allow for a steady income while traveling in an RV is telecommuting home-based type jobs. To name just a few, there’s web design, photographer, software engineer, and writer. All these positions can be performed remotely in the comfort of your RV. Aside from telecommuting type jobs, there are other job positions out there that require you to travel the distance to the work itself. These types of work are typically within the engineering and construction industry. For example, you might be located 3 to 6 months away from home. Some of these travel type job positions include field technicians, geologist, consultant, and environmental specialist to name a few. Lastly, there are Temporary Staffing Agencies that can help find you a suitable job for your traveling expenses. These positions are typically seasonal jobs. For example, Amazon usually hires a large number of seasonal workers to help package orders during the Christmas rush.
RV traveling has slowly evolved over the years with the advancement of technology. Regardless of how advanced technology may become in the distant future, there will always be a time and place where sacrifices are tested. Remember, life is filled with decisions and risks. Are you ready to make the decision to pull your RV out of storage and take that risk?

If you’re looking for a secured facility to park your RV until you make your decision, Agua Dulce Storage has got you covered. Here at Agua Dulce Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections to accommodate your every need. To learn more about our storage facility, please check out our website at https://aguadulcestorage.com/.